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  • wolfmollie


I’ve had a hard time dropping in lately. And when I say lately, I mean…for the last 6 months. The stresses of transition, of moving, of the unexpected, of the out-of-my-control are veiling my sense of reality.

Work has changed drastically & come home. Research has deviated direction & come home. Creative practice has dwindled significantly & come home. Social engagements have entered mediation & come home.

This home-ness. I keep thinking I should like this, as an introverted home-body…

Work, research, practice & study are all mixed up with the personal, relational, logistical & financial aspects of life right now and it’s hard to compartmentalize.

Maybe that’s the point. To not compartmentalize.

To acknowledge the messy muck-ness of it all—to see it all at the same time and experience it all at once. But how does one prevent the all-at-once-ness from being overwhelming? Can I observe the muck-ness instead of being consumed by it?

Me in the attempt of ‘making work’ in the muck:

Photography by Katie O’Loughlin

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