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Hi.  I am Mollie Wolf, a mountain woman from Colorado. I run to clear the clutter, I write to find closure,  I bake to feel accomplished, and I make art to create what I think we are missing.  I am a multi-media dance artist interested in choreographic film, interdiscplinary performance, and collaboration.  


I graduated Summa cum Laude from the University of Colorado Boulder with a BFA in Dance and a minor in Ethnic Studies.  I am a free-lance dancer, choreographer and movement instructor who travels a lot because I have collaborators, dear friends, and family all over the globe.





Things you might want to know about me:


I'm all about the journey.

I'm a listener and a witness.

I've never regretted a moment in my life.

I have a cyncical sense of humor that you might take seriously until you get to know me.

I'm extremely claustrophobic.

I love to get messy.

And most importantly...I bake a mean vegan cake.


Photography by Heather Gray

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